
Agneta Hildén born in Sweden. "What is impossible and rare is to explore! That's how I live and have lived all my life." She was born in Gävle, Sweden, in 1959 and moved with my family to the capital, Stockholm. "I now live and work in the Stockholm archipelago, on Moose Island. In my life and career, I have been working multidisciplinary. My artworks are more like studies and research. I have been awarded and merited attention in different media internationally for my work several times. I have shown my artwork over the years in galleries, museums, online, etc. Though it's been working material for my research and studies, I have a very large collection of my art. I'm working on a study that I started in Paris as a part of my study of architecture and art. It's about female proprotions in the grammar of architecture. Of course, in history, the mens body and mind have been issues. For example, the artists I studied in Paris were Le Corbusier, Vitruvius, etc. The old grammar in architecture I call my study LA MODULOR, inspired by Le Corbusiers. LE MODULOR It's the female prefix LA Modulor, though here it's about how females can express themselves naturally in art and architecture. The study, LA MODULOR, is based on observations of my own body, mind, space, and time. To me, art and architecture connect more and more on a deeper plane inside the human as archetypes. ODD Realism is what I call my other main study. It was inspired by artists in history who had a lack of mental health. There are contrasts in colors, naivete in drawings, figures, the expression of suffering in the motives, etc. All are often based on their great humanity. The study ODD REALISM is based on a study of artists in history such as von Gogh, Edvard Munch, CF Hill, and Erland Cullberg. Its obsessions exist in my own body and mind. Its soulmates have their own rules in art, but we all connect on a deeper plan in architecypes This art has different rules, but it's important to look for what we all have in common. I was born with the gene of an artist, for good and bad, which I sacrifice on the altar of art. Its necessary as an honest artist and with the work you do and then what you want to leave behind for coming generations."

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Viewing Room - Online Exhibition

'The artist and the woman'. Acrylic on canvas. 120x180cm. Agneta Hildén© 

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