On View
Public: From 15 March - 20 May 2024, 5pm - 12pm. Closed on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays.
Artists: Ace Mamun, Annika Döring, Dulce Carvalho, José Aguilar, Maria João Vale, Maria Reis, Miguel Martins, Philippe Thuriet, Ragnhild Veim, Teresa Martins
This collective exhibition is a project for artists and the audience to experience the process of 'Catharsis' in art. This cathartic project in art, consists in a process of emotional release and purification experienced by an audience or the artist through artistic expression.
The concept of katharsis has its roots in ancient Greek philosophy, particularly in Aristotle's theory of tragedy. In this theory it was believed that witnessing tragic events in drama could evoke a purgation of emotions, leading to a sense of emotional renewal and clarity. The first recorded use of the term being used in the mental sense was by Aristotle in the Politics and Poetics, comparing the effects of tragedy on the mind of a spectator to the effect of catharsis on the body. On another hand, 'Catharsis' in the Freudian psychoanalysis, it can cause happiness.
In the case of artists, the act of creating art can be a cathartic process. Through painting, writing, music, or other forms of expression, artists may channel and externalize their emotions, gaining a sense of cathartic release and self-discovery.
katharsis in art can lead to personal transformation. This means that, while engaging with artworks that evoke strong emotions or by creating art as a form of self-expression, the audience may undergo a process of self-discovery, reflection, and growth.
Instalation View
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Art Wine Style it is a store specialized in carefully selected wines from wine regions in Portugal and around the world with an art gallery.
News for this event
Net-zero Target
Carbon Footprint: 50 kg CO2
Organization, Production: United State Of International Artists, Art Wine Style
Communication: United State Of International Artists
Technical Support: Art Wine Style
Texts: United State Of International Artists, Abel Pena
Curator: Francisco Lacerda
Graphic Design: United State Of International Artists
© of images, texts, and translations
Since this is a public viewing each visitor can book anytime. While you enjoy the collection you can get the contact of each artist you like and later contact him for more information in case you want to purchase on label. We do not take part of the sales process, however we can assist you. We also provide a catalogue of exhibition online and all information about each artist you can see on our artists page - usia.co.uk/Artists .
For more information please keep in updated on our website usia.co.uk or via instagram usia_modern. Opening times may change. Please do not touch works of art. Your touch may not seem like much, but even the slightest contact can damage the surface of a work of art. Keep a safe distance between you and each work of art. This helps to avoid accidental touching or bumping. Feel free to sit on the available benchesas you talk, write, or draw.
Running, pushing, and roughhousing are not allowed in the space. Appropriate event behavior is necessary to avoid accidentally bumping into and damaging works of art.
Photography: We welcome visitors to photograph or videotape works of art. Please be aware that occasionally a “no photography” symbol on a label adjacent to a work of art or at the entrance to an exhibition indicates that photography is prohibited for that work or exhibition.
TRAVELING TO PORTUGAL - https://eportugal.gov.pt/en/cidadaos-europeus-viajar-viver-e-fazer-negocios-em-portugal/viajar-para-portugal
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USIA.CO.UK Copyright 2024 Luxury Art Brand Est. 2009 in Lisbon and London. Registered Office: EC CASAL RIBEIRO, APARTADO 013018, Lisbon, Portugal (We do not receive unsolicited mail). USIA is registered at: AICEP Portugal Exporta. Review USIA services on: Trustpilot. Follow USIA and USIA Review at social media pages: facebook or instagram